General Assistance FAQ
All changes in circumstance must be reported in person, via letter, or phone call within five working days of the change or prior to the expenditure of the most recent check received, whichever comes first. Those changes include family size, location, or receipt of income or assets which might affect the applicant’s assistance.
The applicant is also expected to keep appointments and cooperate on referrals. If you receive more aid than warranted because of failure to report a change in circumstances, you will be required to repay the entire amount of excess assistance provided by the township. Persons who fail to comply may be prosecuted for fraud. A person found guilty of fraud may be fined, imprisoned, or both. Anyone who encourages a person to misrepresent his or her case by any means is, by law, also guilty of fraud.
No. Only Summer Camp sessions qualify for scholarship assistance.
We are sorry, but the scholarship is strictly for Summer Camp offered by your local Park District.
Maine Township residents who do not reside within the boundaries of a Park District can apply to send your child to a camp offered by a Park District located within Maine Township.
No. You must send your child to a camp within the local Park District where you live.
The payment is paid directly to the Park District.
The Maine Township Reilly-Bialczak Scholarship Fund financial guidelines are 300% of the Federal poverty level. This means that a family’s GROSS income cannot exceed the stated monthly gross income indicated below.
The financial guidelines for this year are:
# in Household Monthly Gross
2) …………….. $5,110
3) …………….. $6,455
4) …………….. $7,800
5) …………….. $9,145
6) …………….. $10,490
7) …………….. $11,835
8) …………….. $13,180